How to Make a WordPress Website 2021: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

How to Make a WordPress Website 2021: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Hi everyone. How are you today? This is Doulat. Do you want to learn how to make a WordPress website? If the answer is ‘yes’ you came to the right place because in this tutorial I will show you how to make a personal website in a few simple steps the best part is that you don’t need any coding experience or huge investments and I can guarantee?

That after this tutorial you will be able to make a personal website with WordPress without any issues so without further ado let’s jump into creating your WordPress website.

What is a CMS?

A content management system or CMS is computer software with the ability to create, modification, and publish digital content. CMSs are typically used for (ECM) enterprise content management and (WCM) web content management. In most cases, it also supports single and multiple users, allowing them to work in collaboration.

For example, in WordPress CMS is possible to create several administrative users, as per security reasons each one having different privileges. Open source site-building tool based on PHP and MySQL programming languages. Content management systems CMS also available text and formatting features, the ability to upload videos, photos, audio, maps, or even your own code.

A content management system consists of two major components:

  • (CMA) content management application. The CMA can be referred (GUI) to as the graphical user interface that lets a user create, modify, remove, and publish content without ever needing to have knowledge of programming languages.
  • (CDA) content delivery application. The CDA is bounden for the back-end services that manage and deliver content after it is in the CMA.

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